Saturday, October 2, 2010

Where art thou?
In your quest I go,
No hurdle too big.
On your lap let me lie,
While the songs of your valour I hear.
To your arms I'll surrender,
None taketh me away.
Your kiss, the eternal one, I'd like
Forever in dreams I'll lie.
Even thy name...
Such peace it brings,
To slumber we go,
Away from pain.
Up, up and away from sorrow,
O death, embrace me!
Eternal happiness I seek.

They walked along the winding lane
He holding onto her, with love, it seemed.
'Where are we going?', asked she.
'To my house, of course', he assured...
'A lot of food you'll get,
Friends to play with,
Never a worry to wet your eye.'
With a smile and a spring
She frolicked all along the way.
Home they reached, a lovely one...
So much care she was given
She burst at her sides,
So happy she never had been before.
One day, for a walk they went...
'Where are we going now?', asked she.
'Too many questions you ask, dear one,
Do not worry when I'm with you,' he replied.
And on they walked.
Reached....a flight of stairs they met.
'Worry not sweetheart, for I'll carry you'
And so he did up the stairs,
While her eyes swimmed with tears of love.
On a table he laid her,
Petting, pacifying....and said
'Close your eyes, a surprise I have for you,'
Eyes closed, a smile on her lips...she waited
A peek she thought she'll sneak,
In time to see the butcher's knife fall.
With a look that said
 'What did I do wrong?'
The lamb died, innocently confused.
'Sorry', the butcher murmured,
'Better now than later'.
Pity he didn't hear the lamb's soul cry,
'I love you, still.'

Humans we are
Yet why aren't we?
Love we speak, hate we act
Selfish for us,
Selfless, well... for us too.
In beauty we bask,
But nature we destroy.
Unmaterialistically materialistic we are
Know not which is which.
Peace we look for,
Violence we need.. to find it.
Happiness we set out for,
But path of sorrow we choose.
For truth we quest,
To become lies.
Savage we are, though sophisticated.
Merciless we are yet charitable.
A paradox to humanity
Yet human we are...
Aren't we?

As the horizon spans in front of my eyes
Watching  life pass by
I wonder what I'd set out for...
Happiness, I think it was,
But sorrow came along-
So much comfort it gave,
I drowned in it;
So used I got to it
Happiness I cared not anymore-
Far too hard it was to find
And only one life I have.
So, sad I chose to be!
Grief overtook my world
Promising sorrow for years to come.
I danced with joy(oops...I meant grief)
Happiness withdrew,
On the verge of extinction.
Then I happ to chance the horizon again one day,
As the sun set behind the mountains
I let out a smile quite accidentally
(I had almost forgotten how to smile, you see.)
And it struck me...
What had I set out for?
Happiness, wasn't it?
