Saturday, October 2, 2010

As the horizon spans in front of my eyes
Watching  life pass by
I wonder what I'd set out for...
Happiness, I think it was,
But sorrow came along-
So much comfort it gave,
I drowned in it;
So used I got to it
Happiness I cared not anymore-
Far too hard it was to find
And only one life I have.
So, sad I chose to be!
Grief overtook my world
Promising sorrow for years to come.
I danced with joy(oops...I meant grief)
Happiness withdrew,
On the verge of extinction.
Then I happ to chance the horizon again one day,
As the sun set behind the mountains
I let out a smile quite accidentally
(I had almost forgotten how to smile, you see.)
And it struck me...
What had I set out for?
Happiness, wasn't it?


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