Saturday, August 28, 2010

What is this life if, full of care,
We have no time to stand and stare?

-W. H. Davies

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Were you afraid that this person would occlude your very being,
that your life would become the baby and nothing else and that -
this is the most important thing - you wouldn't mind?

- Joanna Smith Rakoff (A fortunate age)

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Voice of love I heard that never spoke,
Call of life I heard that never beckoned,
Real everything was but in a dream,
Days of sunshine in the dark,
Love I felt that never was,
Joy of absolute sorrow.
Life I live of death,
An end to a never meant to be beginning.

Love my heart rained..
So much...
Monsoon in my mind started
Your thoughts like bolts thundered
My feelings into a storm raged
Love poured...
A time warp of torrents
Into a maelstrom of memories I was sucked
To the abyss deep
Fathoms how many, I know not.
Your hand I needed
A hold in the dark.
Only to grab fire..
So bright, my love couldnt dampen.
My only fault...
To rain..

Silence of sorrow,
Deafening it is,
My ears bleed.
Darkness of the day,blinding it is,
My eyes hurt
Music of love, cacophonous,
My soul cries.
Touch of a flower,
Thorns I feel,
My flesh bleeds.
Wilted my soul has in your light,
Only flesh remains,
Wounded and scarred from your love,
Know not how I breathe still.

Life I reclaim that which  I gave you,
Smile I got back that died when you left,
Colour my eyes see that  were blinded by flowing rivers
Happiness tangible through the unfathomable sorrow
Songs I sing now, for myself, your nightingale no more
Only love,on the path of damnation
Never I wish to chance again

Two worlds I live in
Asleep and awake
So real both are
Know not which is which
Suspended between the two....
Confounded even more.
Groggy I wake up from both

Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid." — Albert Einstein

The thing always happens that you really believe in; and the belief in a thing makes it happen.”
- Frank Loyd Wright
In the darkest hours,
When the sun dares not awake,
The whimpering wind stirs not a leaf,
Thou wilt come...
Arising from the glowing horizon,
Light of a thousand moons',
Shattering darkness like a glass,
Pouring light into every crevasse...
Thou cometh...
With Imperial radiance,
Even the heavens bask in thy light.
O, my Moon! your beauty the world can't surpass.
Blessed I am
With thy sublime presence!

What is it we are actually doing?
So caught up in life, we forget we live-
Until the moment of death,
Only to look back with resentment and regret.
So short our lives, on which we have no control,
yet we screw up every moment of it,
In pursuit of happiness;
Happiness not from within but substitutes so temporary,
We make them our life and cling on forever.
Everything takes a backseat including life,
In this race for a name,
Our own name at risk of obliteration.
So fast we are running, scared to stop,
Fear life might catch up...
Only to die one day, alone,
Without a loved one to shed a tear.
For never had we time for anyone, loved or not.
What a life we lead- that of death?
Or does death have a better life?
